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  • Writer's pictureEkta Bhagia

Gen Z's guide to Marketing

Updated: Feb 20, 2020

Gen Z’s are hard to impress. At least harder than Millennials. We know exactly what could go wrong. We pick up on marketing strategies quicker than any other generation would. We aren’t just social media savvy, but there’s definitely more to us.

It takes a lot to be able to create a marketing campaign using memes, and no one does it better than Gen Z’s. We are the ones who have lived in the era of memes and puns, which is why we get the upper hand at this skill and should be allowed to take the lead in such areas. This is the only marketing strategy which does not require years of experience but requires the use of accumulated knowledge gained just by existing on this planet from the late 90’s to the present year. The key is to be able to recognize the change in trends over the past years.

This is an example of a normal meme

Again, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it is an art to be able to acknowledge humor and possess a creative mind. I wonder if anyone realizes the importance of this marketing strategy, as it has the potential to be derived as one of the most powerful ones because it directly influences the human mind (memes help release a large number of endorphins in your brain and can make you feel better almost instantly). Because there isn’t much research done on this concept, I feel that the skills needed for this strategy could be developed, if not obtained naturally.

This is an example of a marketing meme influenced by a normal meme trend.

Well, if you happen to be very interested in the study of memes then you may want to consider going to UC Berkeley as they recently introduced some unique classes centered around the usage of memes. Honestly, the news of the creation of such classes was music to my ears, because for one thing I know, memes have a long way to go.

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